Briguy's Civ adventures

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Brave New World, part 3

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State of the nation – 1000 AD

When I left off last time, the year was 1000 AD, and my English were wondering why they never got to fight anyone. The soccer hooligans want to be unleashed! Patience, my drunk friends, patience…

Non-violent things are happening at a quick pace in jolly old England. In 1040, I discover printing press (which boosts finances a bit) and then two turns later, a somewhat unlikely great engineer (Archimedes) is born in London. I used him to pop another high-culture wonder in York: the Parthenon. In 1070 AD! That’s crazy late, for those keeping track. I’m still continuing down the line towards rifling. In retrospect, I probably should have built a bunch of macemen 2000 years ago and used them to seek out new tribes, but I wanted England’s special unit. Silliness, really.

Come pilgrims! Don't forget to pay homage at the collection box on your way out!

In 1110, my first prophet finally emerges in York (Zoraoster). Yay money! I’ve been spreading Confucianism to every city I can, but Isabella just won’t convert, despite actually having more Confucian cities than Hindu. My wandering Galleons meet up a couple turns later, giving me the circumnavigation bonus (+1 sea movement), and then in 1070 I achieve the pinnacle of English military technology…Rifling. In 1210, I get another Great Engineer (Heron), and in 1220 I discover Economics, grabbing the free Great Merchant there (Harkuf). Harkuf joins Nottingham, which is destined to become my Wall Street economic city and is a little food short. Two birds, one stone. Meanwhile, Heron sits on his hands for a couple of turns, in order to build this:

Taj Mahal

Golden age! The perfect time to make a bunch of redcoats. Immediately afterwards, I get a Great Scientist in London, who merges with that city (home of Oxford University, strangely). Liberalism is finally researched in 1290 AD, and I grab Constitution with it. I’m now setting up a bee-line to biology in order to grow my population. Given the goal of this game, I think the easiest victory condition to meet will be through convincing my Cockney hordes to install me as the world leader (UN voting victory). Population is the key to doing so.

In 1350, my golden age ends, so I swap civics to Representation and Free Speech.

The barbarians have longbows! I expected archers. Will redcoats kill longbows?

Of course they will! Silly question. In the battle of guns vs bows, I want to be on the side with the guns.

I would culture bomb Minoan with my lazy yet long-lived Great Artist from BC times. There were only three barbarian cities on the continent, and I lost only one rifleman taking them all in the name of stiff upper lips. After taking the third city, I noticed an Indian caravel! They have optics! This is a good time to go settler crazy and take the rest of the dirt piles sticking out of the ocean. Not much interesting is happening at this point in the game, I’m just making settlers, redcoats (garrisons), and missionaries to send to various islands around the world. The bee-line to biology finishes at 1490, and I set up what I hope will be the final bee-line of the game -> towards mass media.

This brings me to 1500, and a good time to pause.

Written by briguyhfx

May 6, 2010 at 3:35 am

Posted in civilization IV

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